Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The JOY of Coaching Your Son

OK, it is not always easy to coach your son. It is frustrating when your son will not listen to you. You feel like he might need someone else's instruction. You worry about whether you are being blind to your child's difficulties or playing daddy ball. Sometimes you don't even recognize their strengths in an effort to be fair. It's hard to be coach and dad. But, Carey would not have traded the experience for anything. How long do you have this chance? And, then there are the rare opportunities you get to experience the joy of sharing a big victory with your son. I love these pictures of Carey giving B his trophy because he seems so happy, and he is so obvious with his love. No one else got a hug!


Mitzi said...

Very cool. Congratulations Bryant and Carey.

Sandy P said...

The video really makes B look like he needs a hair cut! I am glad they could win with all the other craziness with it.