Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Concert

Just so you don't think I have totally forgotten that it is Advent and we are preparing for Christmas, I thought I'd post proof that we have been celebrating. Ann Bennett was old enough to be in the Christmas concert, play, cantata, whatever, for the first time this year. She surprised me and tried out for a speaking part. She had a part, and we had a lot of rehearsals! This is the video of the dress rehearsal. We were proud of her for learning her lines. All of the narrator angels had cards with their lines just in case, but she never needed it.

I don't really know if Ann Bennett is up for many of these plays though. She was pretty tired and scattered by the end of the 2 hour rehearsals! The next video is of Ann Bennett (and Bryant's I think) favorite song. It's just part of it, because, really, do you want to see the whole thing? Saturday night during the performance, the boy in the back on the left really got rockin' and had everyone laughing. His parents weren't amused and talked to him about it, so it was missing Sunday morning. But, the Sassers felt Thomas's dance moves enhanced the show.

Bryant did not participate in the play or in choir for that matter. I hate it, but it's just not his thing. Plus, he had baseball and other conflicts. However, he did make it to a lot of the rehearsals shuttling AB back and forth. He knew most of the lines in the play and all of the songs. I wish I could have convinced him, but it was certainly NOT a battle I was willing to fight.

Ann Bennett's friend from school and church, Preston. Believe it or not, they are both 1st graders. I think AB had on her clogs that morning which give her some extra height, but st

We hope you are having a fabulous Christmas, and in the words of the Christmas play, I hope that the child has found ways to rock your world. (Jesus, in case that isn't clear ;0)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

American Girl Doll Cafe

Ann Bennett has been into American Girl Dolls for a couple of years now. Last year they opened a store and cafe in Atlanta. My mom saw a show on the dolls and how they represent historical periods, so she too fell in love with the idea. She bought AB Molly last year. Molly is from the year Mom was born. We also went to the store after Christmas last year. But, let me just say, stay away from the place around Christmas! It was a mad house, and by the time we left the store, there was a line to even be allowed in the store. We could not get near the cafe. But while we were there last year, Mom told Ann Bennett that when she came back to GA we would plan in advance to have lunch at the cafe. A few days later, Mom was in the wreck, and we have certainly not been able to go to AGD for lunch. But, this time, we were able to go. Mom, Sandy, Macie, Ann Bennett and I had a girls' lunch at the cafe. Oh yeah, Felicity went with us too. Felicity was the only doll with a tea dress, so she was the only one who could go.

Ann Bennett and Felicity (in her own high chair, notice) reading the menu.

Macie and the doll they loaned her for lunch -- they are very prepared there!

Ann Bennett was very impressed by the food.

Macie was very impressed with her milk shake.

As was Ann Bennett.

It was a really nice treat. And somehow we managed to leave the store only purchasing a paperback book. I guess preparing before we enter the store helps. I think it also helps that the store is such a treat just to visit. It is such a girlie place. I'm so thankful Mom was able to take Ann Bennett. I hope Sandy has a picture with Mom in it. Amazing the things we forget to do!

Catch Up - Sue Sue's birthday weekend

OK, I seem to have lost a whole month of updates! By lost, I mean that I never did them, not that they are lost in computer land somewhere. I'm mostly doing this for my long term memory. Anyway, we have been busy. We went to GA to celebrate Mom's birthday 11-8. It was obviously a big deal since it feels like the birthday that she almost did not have. In fact, all of the approaching holidays feel a little like we are living on borrowed time.

Sandy, me, Macie, Ann Bennett, Mom at her birthday dinner. It's not the best picture, but it was the best one I had. I love Macie's hand.
I love this picture for some reason. AB and Mom both look so happy.

As is typical when we go to GA, Uncle Jeff gets to (or has to) play a lot of football. Carson and Ann Bennett join them on occasion, but Bryant is very persistent about getting Jeff to play! I think throwing to B is a lot easier on the knees than tackling, defending or whatever they do when they run around in the yard!

I thought this was a great picture of the guys. Bryant was lucky enough to be the first grandchild, so he had a lot of time to develop a great relationship with Jeff and Sandy before they had children of their own. He is always happy to go visit.

One of the things that amazes me about Ann Bennett and Macie is that they just do their thing regardless of what is going on around them. Notice they are playing ring around the roses in the middle of the football field. I think only the younger siblings of boys have this trait. Ann Bennett has such fun with both Carson and Macie. However, for some reason I only have pictures of her with Macie. Next time I'm going to have to be intentional about pics with Carson!

Hope your birthday was happy Mom, and I hope we didn't wear you out! Love ya.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So She IS Listening!

Ann Bennett came home from school today not wearing the new headband she had on this morning. When I asked her where it was, she said it was in her backpack. AB let a little girl next to her "look" at it. Well, she put it on and then passed it to another little girl who also put it on her head. Ann Bennett remembered that people can "have bugs in their hair" and they can spread to your hair, so she didn't put it back on all day. I explained to her that she made a good choice, and she could always just tell the girls that she didn't like to share her hair "stuff." I also told her that if someone in her class had lice that the school would have to tell us, so L and D did not have "bugs in their hair" and her headband was safe.

(Last year she would find barrettes or other hair clips on the playground at school. I told her about lice, but she just didn't get it. We finally looked up what lice look like online and read about them. This was after the first of the year. To be honest, life got too crazy for me to even notice whether she was coming home with other people's hair clips. But, apparently it must have made an impression because she was all freaked out today.)

Anyway, tonight at dinner, I was asking the kids to tell us something that happened that was good about their day. Ann Bennett said, "oh, oh, L and D don't have bugs in their hair." Amazing what we can be thankful for if we open our eyes!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm Thankful For . . .

Ann Bennett's homework yesterday was to write at least 3 sentences about what she is thankful for. They were going to post them outside the classroom. Her list was:

I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for food to eat.
I am thankful for my dog and my cat.
I am thankful I do not have to eat shrimp every day.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Double Digits

I don't know how it happened, but my big guy is 10! Sometimes we drive each other crazy, but I'm so proud of him. He just had a fantastic report card. He's working hard to get physically stronger. He's memorizing his Bible verses for Sunday school and growing in faith. And, in general, I see him making more sense of the world. He asks really interesting questions. He's also lucky to have some good friends, and he's learning what it means to be a good friend and team mate. I'm so thankful to have a son in my life. He's taught me a lot, and he is certainly my first born. I hope he knows how much we love him.
Anyway, today is his birthday, and it was also the annual Turkey Trot at school. About 10 boys and 10 girls from grades 3-5 qualify for the race. They run a mile and the best times are entered. Well, Bryant made it into the race. Today he ran a mile in about 7 minutes! (Carey says 7 min 6 sec to be precise.) To me, that is doggone fast! The winner ran it under 6 minutes. I was a bit worried about B this year because he was home sick yesterday. He finished about the middle of the pack. Being a non running kind of person, this is one of the most amazing things my child has done. I wonder what kind of a runner he would be if he did ANY training. I kept telling him and Tanner (our neighbor who was also in the race) to go practice, but neither one of them would listen to me.
Mark, Garren (2nd place, 6 minute mile), Brad, Bryant

Finish line in sight!

More birthday updates to come. We're having our first spend the night birthday party this weekend, so pray for patience!

Dad and Carolyn Visit

OK, I just lost my first post on blogger. UGHH! Fortunately (one of Bryant's spelling words this week), I had just started. Anyway, I'm very behind with my blogging, but I'm determined to catch up. Dad and Carolyn visited the weekend before Halloween. As usual, Dad helped us get some things done around the house. Carey always feels like we abuse Dad when he comes here, but the man likes to have a project. This trip, he repaired a window, fixed the swing set, hung a coat rack in AB's room, fixed the chain on the chainsaw and helped cut down a tree, bush and part of another tree. Ann Bennett believes Grandpa can fix anything. When something breaks, AB very often says, "Maybe Grandpa can fix it." We are so thankful he is here to help us, and I'm especially thankful that I learned to at least try to do things on my own. I'm not the greatest, but I guess I learned a little from being Dad's reluctant assistant. Thanks Dad.

We did manage to have a little fun. We went to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher. While it is not the Atlanta Aquarium, it's still a really good aquarium, and it's a lot easier to get into!

The snakes were really active and came right up to the glass. It must have been close to feeding time because I have never seen them this agitated. It was creepy and kind of cool at the same time.

The alligators were all swimming up close to the glass as well, except for this one napping beside the water. Well, his eye is open, so I guess he was just resting.

The touch tank. AB's dislike of shrimp apparently extends to touching sea creatures as well. It took a lot of coaxing to get her to stick her hands in the tank. She never touched the horseshoe crabs, but she touched the starfish and some other creature with prickly spines, but I can't remember what it was. Bryant on the other hand was far enough in the water to get his shirt wet.

Bryant inside the crab, AB had to be convinced this was safe too.

On the trails outside the aquarium.

Requisite silly picture. Do your kids think a silly pic is always necessary?

P.S. The adults were able to eat shrimp without AB pitching a stink fit for it even being at the table. I think that might be progress. Baby steps!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ann Bennett decided last year what she wanted to be this year, and she stuck with it. She wanted to be the Amercian Girl Doll, Elizabeth. For those of you not versed in AGDs, she is from the 1700 Colonial times. Ann Bennett was delighted to actually be Felicity -- Elizabeth's friend. We have to thank Annabelle, who loaned us her costume, and Kristine who MADE this beautiful dress. Ann Bennett loved it and felt like a princess. I was thankful she wasn't in a "hoocha momma" costume! Ann Bennett's only disappointment was that it was cold, so she had to wear a shirt under it.

Bryant could not decide what to be. He was going to be a hobo -- where he even knew that word, I don't know. He thought about being Harry Potter and then a mummy. The day before Halloween, I was on the internet trying to figure out how to throw together a mummy costume, but I decided if he wasn't concerned I wasn't going to be either. He's almost 10! He finally decided to be a football player, Phillip Rivers. He's a former NC State player now playing pro. I was happy since it cost me NO money this year.

Dean (A-Rod), B (Rivers), Mac (Carolina Man), Marshall (hobo)
Anne Catherine (Laura Ingalls Wilder) and Ann Bennett

The whole crew -- that's Griffith as Dracula

The proper ladies curtsying at the block party.

The boys move so fast it's hard to get pics of actually trick or treating!

AB found this crazy headband when we got out the pumpkins and wanted me to wear them. I decided to be festive. Carey stayed home and passed out candy.

Back at AC's house after trick-or-treating. Wendy's twin 1 year old neices went with us for a while, but the girls could not really get their hands on them. When we got home, those babies and their mom were troopers! The girls were picking them up. Ann Bennett's held babies, but usually she is sitting down with someone handing the child to her. This time she was picking them up off the floor and holding them on your hip as you do with a baby. It was kind of cute to see, but I was a nervous wreck! I did not want to make a trip to the ER on halloween.
Anyway, I hope your halloween was fun, and I really hope the candy doesn't create horrible behavior for the next month! I forgot to take a picture of all the candy the kids brought home, but trust me, there's a ton.

Pumpkin Patch

One problem we have had with your kids getting older is that their activities make it harder to do all of the fun fall stuff that goes on. When the kids were little, we always went to a church that has a huge pumpkin sale to support their youth group. It was fun. It didn't take forever, but we stayed and played a while and always had good pictures. This year, I bought a pumpkin from the grocery store just to make sure we had one, and it never even got carved. We are pitiful! I'm so glad my sister, Sandy, started a tradition out of carving the pumpkin to make sure it always gets done. She was smart.

Anyway, on Monday night, Bryant's teacher called and said she wanted the kids to bring in a pumpkin roughly the size of their head "for a math activity." I thought they'd measure, weigh them, graph the info, compare sizes, etc. It turns out that they carved the pumpkins. Well, they opened the pumpkins, pulled out all of the guts and counted the seeds. He came home with an empty pumkin that had something like 401 seeds. Some of the seeds also came home, so at least we have seeds to roast!

In the past, there have always been tons of pumpkins on 10-30 for cheap. But, this year, I went to 3 grocery stores and the church mentioned above and found NO PUMPKINS! We ended up having to go to a nursery to get a pumpkin, and we had to pay full price. But, the upswing is at least I have a few pictures of my kids with pumpkins. Ann Bennett is all about making sure we photograph everything. We went after school, so they're in their uniforms instead of fall clothes, but who am I to be picky?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We Survived

Just so there's proof that Bryant actually played baseball this fall, I thought I'd post a picture or two. After all, we've spent every Tuesday and Thursday night at the ballpark. There should be some proof. This first picture is of Bryant getting ready to bunt. He pulled back because a ball was thrown, but you get the idea. Cason is on third ready to run home, and Carey's the third base coach.
I like this one because you can see the ball. The game was tied at this point, 6-6. Bryant was walked this at bat. He stole second. The next batter was also walked to get the bases loaded, and the next batter hit a grand slam. It was very exciting because the next batter got a hit, stole a base and scored for the 5th run that inning. In our league, you can only get 5 runs in any inning, unless you're behind. But, that rule is complicated, so I won't go into it. The boys moved quickly and the other team got to finish their "at bat" before the game ended. They didn't score any, so the final score was 11-6. As I said before, beating the Tarheels in anything is a good day in the Sasser boys' minds!

Ann Bennett as usual entertained herself with things other than baseball. Here she is with Kate, the sister of the boy who hit the grand slam. She was not happy that I made her wear long underwear and her "Colorado coat." She says it makes her too fat. I never thought I'd hear that from such a youngster! But, she was happy to have the coat and her gloves (even though they are Dora, and she's way too old for Dora now) at the ball park last night. I was thankful for my sweater, coat, scarf and blanket. It was COLD!

As Ann Bennett says these days, peace out. Who knows where that came from!?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Freezing Cold Baseball

Some things just don't go together. For me, freezing cold weather and baseball don't belong together. Yet, it is going to be in the 30s tonight, and we are heading off to a baseball game. I've accepted that baseball in my house is about a 4 season sport. I get that I'm not really ever going to be a glamorus baseball mom. I just don't look good in 100 degree weather on the baseball field. But, that seems at least normal. Baseball when it is freezing and dark just seems wrong. And, to top it off, Bryant has the late game tonight (7:30 start for a 1½ hour game). I'm hoping to leave early since Bryant has a test in the morning. But, they are playing the Tarheels, and my boys hate losing to ANY team called the tarheels. Hopefully they'll be winning by a lot and we can slip away. I'm cold just thinking about it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

For some reason Bryant and I were talking yesterday about how old Mary was when she became pregnant with Jesus. I have no idea how these things come up, but I go where the conversation takes us. Anyway, I was telling him she was somewhere around 13, maybe 15. His mouth dropped open, appropriately I might add. Then, he said, she, or was is they, broke the law. "What law is that", I ask? "It's agains the law to have sex until you're 20!", he declared. It threw me a bit, and I'm all about him believing sex is not legal until as late as possible! So, I just said things were different then. People didn't live as long and had babies earlier. Then, he said, but didn't Abraham live until like 500? Boy, learning this Bible of ours sure has its complications through the eyes of a 9 year old! I never even got to the immaculate conception part of Mary's pregnancy. I can't wait to see how that goes. Now that he understands how babies get here, that fact might blow his socks off.

And, since I'm terrible about writing things down, we went to the doctor Monday because Bryant had pink eye. While we were there, I asked if we should schedule a check up sometime soon. He has not really had one since kindergarten. The cool think about a family practitioner is, he said why don't we just do it now! So, with his glasses, his eyes are OK. He weighed 82.6 pounds, and he was 55½ inches (4' 7.5"). His height was at the 90th percentile, and his weight was at the 95th. However, that might have been using the 83.6 he weighed when we walked in the door -- with shoes and before he "peed in a cup." Let me tell you, Bryant thought the whole idea of peeing in a cup was hilarious, disgusting, ridiculous, embarassing, and he waw REALLY happy his sister was not there to know about it. All seems well. Good to know.

I'm off to chaperone a field trip to Poplar Grove with Ann Bennett's 1st grade class.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Diet Coke and Other Ramblings

Well, last week I decided to go cold turkey on the dc. I decided on Tuesday, and I made it until dinner. The kids' school had Zaxby's night, and can I really be expected to miss out on a dc with rabbit pellet ice? Really? The first day? So, I had one. But, since then I've been dc and caffeine free. It has about killed me, but I'm making it. To get through I've been drinking a ton of crystal light, which I know still has artificial sweeteners, but I had to have something to get through the physical withdrawal. I think I'm about through the headaches, but boy am I crashing at night! The upside to this is I have more energy in the morning.

This weekend it turned cold and rainy here. But, my 6 year old's RECREATION soccer league still played. I mean, really! It would have been fine to miss a game. I promise. We froze, but fortunately for us, the rain had stopped while we played. Ann Bennett actually kicked the ball a couple of times this game, so I guess there was something good about us making it to the game.

And, because it was rainy AND Bryant was restricted from all things electronic, we were creative with keeping ourselves entertained in the rain. Which means, the four of us played Pretty Pretty Princess. Ann Bennett got this game years ago. I think she was like 3, and we have mangaed to keep up with all of the pieces! We have 2 versions - original and Cinderella version. It has always amazed me that Bryant can be convinced to play this game. He doesn't like the Cindy version, but the original is fine. I think it might be the fact that you can end up with the black ring if you aren't lucky in the original. If you're not familiar with the game, you spin a spinner to move around the board and collect jewelry - 2 earrings, bracelet, necklace, ring (all in your assigned color) and 1 crown to share. If you land on the crown, you get it until someone else lands on the crown and takes it from you. The object is to get all of your pieces first. But, beware of the black ring. You can't win with it, and it's hard to get rid of it. It's really a simple game, but it is funny to see Carey or Bryant with earrings, etc.! So, this weekend, Carey and I each won a game, and neither of the kids got upset about not winning. I think that shows we are growing up. The kids can enjoy the games and time together even when they don't win. I wish I had a picture for you, but I thought it might destroy the guys' willingness to play if I started snapping pictures. Bryant is all concerned about "blackmail" these days. I think it's a 4th grade boy thing, but who knows?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Slipping Through My Fingers

OK, a little while ago, Ann Bennett and I went to see Mama Mia. Since then, all I can think about is the following song. I wrote the words for ya, but I tried to include a link to the music as well if you'd rather listen. Since I'm not too savvy with this stuff yet, I don't know if it will work. Anyway, it is all about watching your little girl grow up. Ann Bennett is learning so much and growing up so fast, I guess this song just hit me. Bryant too is growing at an alarming rate, but the song's about a girl, so . . .

I don't want to let time slip through our fingers without paying attention. But, even more than that, I don't want to be the Mommy that yells all the time, is too stressed or is just plain mean. It's hard to find the balance sometimes. I am not a parent who doesn't parent because she wants to be a friend. I know children need parents. Our kids have responsibilities. In general, I think they have very little they have to do, but in comparison to some peers, our kids do more. And, let me tell you, it can be a battle. As I write this, I realize that the things that have become daily tasks, like making beds, are no longer battles. So, maybe that is my motivation. If we keep on, it will just be part of life and not worth fighting about. But, boy does the battle feel long! Our afternoons can be tumultuous between homework, reading requirements, putting away clean clothes, and heaven forbid picking up the things flung on the floor. Many times I think it would just be easier to do it, but I know there is value in learning to care for yourself. So, I persevere, but I'm not happy about the amount of yelling that I've done over the years. Kids should not be equipped to know which buttons to push! When I hear a song like this, I'm not only taken aback by how quickly they will be gone but by how I am using the time I have with them. I hope they know just how loved they are -- ALWAYS!

Schoolbag in hand
She leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye
With an absent-minded smile
I watch her go
With a surge of that well-known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while
The feeling that I'm loosing her forever
And without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
That funny little girl

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Sleep in our eyes
Her and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake
I let precious time go by
Then when she's gone
There's that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt
I can't deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go
Well some of that we did
But most we didn't
And why I just don't know

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers -

Schoolbag in hand
She leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile

Siobhan McCarthy - Slipping Through My Fingers lyrics

Proof that Ann Bennett is growing at an alarming rate -- she just lost here 8th tooth, and she's still 6! Sorry about the picture. It's not the greatest, and I didn't realize it was quite so graphic!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

We live less than a mile from our kids' school, so when we are up early enough the kids can ride their bikes to school. Bryant often accomplishes this as he is an early riser. However, Ann Bennett does not like to get up early, and she has been slow on her bike. So, she rarely was able to ride to school. Plus, Bryant was horrified that she was riding to school with her training wheels! Lots of her friends ride without training wheels, but Ann Bennett has been content to ride around taking it all in with her training wheels. However, the desire to ride to school motivated her. Last Tuesday, (9-30) Carey took Ann Bennett's training wheels off. He ran along beside her a couple of times, but then she was off. This video is of the next day, 10-1.

For Carey and I, the most amazing thing is that now, a week later, it's like she's been riding this way for months. She figured out the starting thing, and she's geting better at stopping. It is amazing to watch a child learn a new skill. Once they get it, there is no stopping them. Of course, it helps that she has done it over and over and over and over since she learned! She seems to understand that practice makes perfect. I guess it might also feel like a bit of independence. We still ride with her to school, and I go meet her at the school to ride home. But, soon she will be able to ride home with Bryant. Way to go AB!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Football Anyone?

Saturday afternoon, our family skipped Ann Bennett's soccer game to go up to the NC State football game. It was a 7:30 game, so since Carey never leaves a game early, we knew it would be a late night (especially because it was a TV game). Over the years we have had some HORRIBLE weather at games -- 152 degrees one time with sleepy children, -30 another year. We figured this would be a good one -- cool, but not cold. So, off to Raleigh we go. As is tradition, we started out tailgating.

Ann Bennett and "friends"

I don't know if you can see it or not, but the guys in the convertible had an interesting "tail gate" strategy. They ate in their car with the top down. Never seen that one before.

Next, we went to the "fan zone" where they have fun stuff for the kids. You know you are really getting old when you go to get a new free ring tone at the Alltel booth, and the guy gives directions to your son and says something like, "I'm gonna tell him how to go get the one you want since he probably does more with the phone than you do." Seriously! I mean, I know some 9yo have phones, and maybe Bryant looks older. Who knows, but really!

This is actually the first pic I have of them in front of the stadium.

So, we go into the stadum. In like the first 3 minutes, South Florida scores. It's not looking too good. Then, something makes a guy behind us boo the officials or some play. A guy in the next section starts yelling at the guy behind us not to "boo the field in this house." A bunch of explicatives, security and even the real police later, they calm down and we get back to the game. Don't you love it when you take your family to an event that should be safe, and they get exposed to stuff you'd like to avoid? Meanwhile, Ann Bennett is talking a mile a minute -- important stuff like if the Cubs played NCSU, who would we cheer for? If Furman played NCSU who would I cheer for? There's Mrs. Wolf. Are those our cheerleaders? We managed to avoid the food questions. NCSU scored a field goal.

At the end of the 1st quarter, it started to rain. We had an umbrella -- in the car, and I had on a white t-shirt. We really did not think we were going to need rain gear. As the rain got harder, I decided it was not going to be pretty if I stayed in the rain, so Ann Bennett and I go get ponchos and hide out under the bleachers. A bit later, I call Carey to find out he and Bryant have also vacated to under the stands. It takes us a while to find each other - bad reception under stands in rain! We found each other and Carey says we are leaving. The score was already 31-3 or something like that. We left before half time, and he has never left a game early. As we walked out of the stadium, State scored the only touchdown of the evening. It was not pretty. I think the final score was 41-10.

So, the next picture is really what we drove to Raleigh for last Saturday. At least we were home a little earlier than expected. I am shepherding Ann Bennett's Sunday school class, and she was singing in church.

I hope your team won this week. Furman won 35-10, but neither of my children are Paladin fans. Maybe they'll convert yet!

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Soccer Game - AB

Ann Bennett has somehow made it to 6 without ever playing soccer. Shocking, I know! She never ASKED to play, and we have so many blooming games to go to with Bryant that I didn't push it. She tried t-ball last fall, but once she'd tried it, she was done. Well, now that she's in U7 for soccer, it's all girls. She's on a team with lots of her friends. They have an Ann Bennett, Anne Catherine and Anna Dudly on her team. Those poor coaches have a hard time knowing which Ann name to use! Anyway, it's been a great experience. Her coaches are great. Both are fathers of girls in AB's school. One's daughter broke her arm in August, so she's not even getting to play. We're so lucky to still have him helping with the team, and we hope Grayson makes it back before the season ends!
AB throwing in the ball.

AB is #8. I wasn't sure she'd stay with the ball when it was so hot, but she did.

Her favorite part - chatting with friends. Notice Grayson's cast.

Anne Catherine, Ann Bennett, Mary Archer, Lydia, Grayson, Coach Stuart watching. My favorite picture of the day!

We actually had 2 games this weekend. The previous weekend we were rained out by Hanna. We lost on Saturday, but I guess Sunday counts as a win. Only 2 kids from the other team showed up. Their coach wasn't even there. The girls didn't care. They still scrimmaged and got in some extra practice. I think this is going to be a great experience for AB. She has a lot to learn, but she seems really interested in going. We'll keep you posted.