Monday, October 20, 2008

Diet Coke and Other Ramblings

Well, last week I decided to go cold turkey on the dc. I decided on Tuesday, and I made it until dinner. The kids' school had Zaxby's night, and can I really be expected to miss out on a dc with rabbit pellet ice? Really? The first day? So, I had one. But, since then I've been dc and caffeine free. It has about killed me, but I'm making it. To get through I've been drinking a ton of crystal light, which I know still has artificial sweeteners, but I had to have something to get through the physical withdrawal. I think I'm about through the headaches, but boy am I crashing at night! The upside to this is I have more energy in the morning.

This weekend it turned cold and rainy here. But, my 6 year old's RECREATION soccer league still played. I mean, really! It would have been fine to miss a game. I promise. We froze, but fortunately for us, the rain had stopped while we played. Ann Bennett actually kicked the ball a couple of times this game, so I guess there was something good about us making it to the game.

And, because it was rainy AND Bryant was restricted from all things electronic, we were creative with keeping ourselves entertained in the rain. Which means, the four of us played Pretty Pretty Princess. Ann Bennett got this game years ago. I think she was like 3, and we have mangaed to keep up with all of the pieces! We have 2 versions - original and Cinderella version. It has always amazed me that Bryant can be convinced to play this game. He doesn't like the Cindy version, but the original is fine. I think it might be the fact that you can end up with the black ring if you aren't lucky in the original. If you're not familiar with the game, you spin a spinner to move around the board and collect jewelry - 2 earrings, bracelet, necklace, ring (all in your assigned color) and 1 crown to share. If you land on the crown, you get it until someone else lands on the crown and takes it from you. The object is to get all of your pieces first. But, beware of the black ring. You can't win with it, and it's hard to get rid of it. It's really a simple game, but it is funny to see Carey or Bryant with earrings, etc.! So, this weekend, Carey and I each won a game, and neither of the kids got upset about not winning. I think that shows we are growing up. The kids can enjoy the games and time together even when they don't win. I wish I had a picture for you, but I thought it might destroy the guys' willingness to play if I started snapping pictures. Bryant is all concerned about "blackmail" these days. I think it's a 4th grade boy thing, but who knows?


Mitzi said...

Good job giving up diet coke. I am starting a low glycemic diet once I start feeling better and the next thing after that is to wean myself down on caffeine. Even when I have been prego though, I have had to have a tiny bit or the headaches kill me. Were the headaches miserable?

René S said...

Well, I certainly needed some medicine to make it through, but they were not as bad as I thought. The fatigue is what I really noticed! It wiped me out. I'm still tired at night, but it makes morning easier since I'm crashing earlier.