But eventually, she threw him some good ones. He "jacked" it all over the place. He encouraged her, and she VERY patiently kept feeding him balls. They even went to pick up the bucket full of balls together without complaining. I'm telling you it was a miracle. I went to get Carey to serve as a witness to the miracle occurring in our front yard. It was Carey who wondered whether it was wise to have Bryant hitting real baseballs in the front yard. (B broke his first window around 5, I think, hitting golf balls at grandpa's house.) I knew our windows would be replaced even if broken by a ball, and I think my neighbor has a similar agreement. Either way, I decided the bliss of seeing them play together was worth the cost of a broken window if necessary. Fortunately, we have some trees in the front that blocked the damage; although, one hit the power lines. That was a bit unsettling.
Anyway, Ann Bennett even decided to try to hit. When she asked Bryant to throw to her, he agreed without a fight! He reminded her how to swing and gently tossed balls to her. I did not hear even ONE comment about her lack of technique. He cheered for her when balls were hit well. Miracle, I'm telling you! Did you hear the angels where you are?
My smiling, agreeable 10 year old. Proof that he's in there. (He not only played with his sister, he let me document it.) I might need this picture over the next "104 days of summer vacation." (Anyone out there recognize that song?)
Last, did you notice Ann Bennett's choice of clothing for this activity? Pink helmet and tee-ball bat, Hannah Montana shirt (from her Halloween costume), jean skirt and 2 inch wedge sandals. Priceless! But, her daddy and brother taught her well -- her eyes are on the ball!
Here's hoping for a summer full of pictures just like these!
1 comment:
Very cute! And, you're right, he will love having a sister when everyone is older and there are "things" to take care of.
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