Friday, May 1, 2009

Battle of the Books

Last fall I MADE Bryant sign up to participate in the battle of the books. For those of you unfamiliar with this program, students read a list of books. Then they "battle" each other by answering questions such as "In what book did the main character visit a lady named Miss Caroline?" The students have to answer the question and give the author's name. Each school selects a team to represent them at the county level, and the team works together. A student is asked a question, he consults the team, then gives his answer. If right, they are awarded points for the title and author. If wrong, the other team has a chance to answer the question and get their points. You can see this link for more info, including the list of 30 books or so.

Anyway, Bryant was selected to represent his school. I think they based this on how many books he read and how he did on the test. Today was the battle, and his team came in 3rd in the county! The team they lost to won the entire competition, so he felt really good about how they did. I'm very proud of him. He did NOT want to do this at the beginning, but once he got started, he really enjoyed some books he never would have read. Some of them were more geared toward girls, but he survived. I even found a few books I'll make sure Ann Bennett reads later on as well. (The list changes annually.) I am very proud of him for sticking with this and doing well in the battle. Way to go B!

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Great job Bryant!! We are very impressed!! Mitzi and David