Monday, October 6, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

We live less than a mile from our kids' school, so when we are up early enough the kids can ride their bikes to school. Bryant often accomplishes this as he is an early riser. However, Ann Bennett does not like to get up early, and she has been slow on her bike. So, she rarely was able to ride to school. Plus, Bryant was horrified that she was riding to school with her training wheels! Lots of her friends ride without training wheels, but Ann Bennett has been content to ride around taking it all in with her training wheels. However, the desire to ride to school motivated her. Last Tuesday, (9-30) Carey took Ann Bennett's training wheels off. He ran along beside her a couple of times, but then she was off. This video is of the next day, 10-1.

For Carey and I, the most amazing thing is that now, a week later, it's like she's been riding this way for months. She figured out the starting thing, and she's geting better at stopping. It is amazing to watch a child learn a new skill. Once they get it, there is no stopping them. Of course, it helps that she has done it over and over and over and over since she learned! She seems to understand that practice makes perfect. I guess it might also feel like a bit of independence. We still ride with her to school, and I go meet her at the school to ride home. But, soon she will be able to ride home with Bryant. Way to go AB!

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